Family Business Services

Talking Family Business

3 Hours Workshop: Creating breakthroughs for Family Businesses

people sitting on chairpeople sitting on chair

Meeting Peers in Family Business

An exclusive peer group for Family Business Owners & Next Generation Leaders

beige wooden conference table
beige wooden conference table

Preparing the Next Generation in Family Business

Nurturing & Developing the Next Generation to lead the family business.

Family Business Coaching

Enhancing individual capabilities to lead themselves, family & business

Schedule an exploratory call

“Other things may change, but we start and end with the family.” –Anthony Brandt

Family Governance

Building a system for family to communicate, make decisions, manage differences and discuss growth in family business

Family Constitution

A unified vision, family purpose, values, and documented guidelines designed to pass the wisdom of the family and business legacy to all family members and future generations.

Succession Planning for Family Business

Paving the Way for the Next Chapter in Family Business. Creating robust structure for Management & Ownership Succession of Family Business

Professionalisation of Family Business

Building a culture of collaboration, trust, and transparency in family business.